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J Marcus Daily
Friday, September 22, 2006
  Bits and Bytes- Quick News with no use
Intel has announced the end of an era, the Pentium 4 era that is. By Q3 of 2007 Intel expects to end production of the Pentium 4 architecture in favor if it’s new top of the line chip the Core 2 Duo. As Intel looks to clear out inventory after Christmas expect to see chips using the outdated Netburst architecture showing up in the bargain bin. Estimates of price drops of nearly $100 are expected bringing the price into the $70 range. The budget Celeron chip has a little more life left in it as production will continue until early 2008.

Holy Grail or Sexual Satisfaction

Having absolutely nothing to do with technology this one begs to be commented upon. According to Reuters a disproportionate number of Britons are prepared to give up sex in exchange for a long life, specifically to life to a hundred years old. (60%) Not surprisingly was the number of women willing to make the sacrifice far outweighed that of men. (48 percent compared to 31 percent of the men in the survey). Just another survey commissioned by health care providers attempting to get a handle on the complex issues of aging. As people are living longer and many are faced with serious decisions regarding healthcare and retirement, it’s good to know there are still these surveys to shine a light on what we already know. Most men would trade just about anything, even an extra day of life to get just a little more nooky.

Price cut for Playstation 3-

Falling under the weight of outside pressure Sony has dropped the price of its forthcoming Playstation 3 making the 20 GB version $430 (US) when it is released for sale this November 11th. Now for the bad news. It only applies to their loyal Sony customers in Japan. These price cuts do not apply to the US or the European launches. While American buyers are sure to scream at this price discrimination, European buyers have even more to balk, as they have to wait until next year for their launch. Due to delays in production, Sony has been forced to push the European launch to early 2007.

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Daily thoughts from writer J Marcus Ross, author of Darkness Within and the Robert Watson Mystery Series

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