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J Marcus Daily
Tuesday, August 08, 2006
  Industry first for MI:3 release

On the High Definition news front, Paramount is expect to announce an industry first release of MI: 3 in three formats, traditional DVD, Blue-ray and HD. This is an important milestone in these early days of High Definition disks coming to market. Still, we are a long way from either format declaring a winner. Especially when most analysts are predicting there will be no clear winner rather a merging of these two formats.

What is clear is that those with HD televisions are scrambling for HD content. While the price of these early HD players are astronomical forcing most casual users to wait, many people don’t even realize they aren’t getting the most out of their new set top television. There are a large majority of HD television owners who don’t even realize they are not watching HD unless they are hooked up to an HD signal.

From the sidelines the HD format wars are interesting to watch. Clearly it’s too early to put your money on any of these formats until it matures. Unless you’re an early adopter who can afford instant obsolescence.

No matter how spectacular the MI:3 High Definition picture looks it won’t make up for a lackluster film. MI:3 was clearly not a good enough movie to get most of us excited about HD. Maybe the release of Superman Returns or Aliens, but surly not Mission Impossible 3

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Daily thoughts from writer J Marcus Ross, author of Darkness Within and the Robert Watson Mystery Series

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