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J Marcus Daily
Monday, July 31, 2006
  Miami Vice Review

Miami Vice

What a disappointment.

From the director of Heat and Collateral, Michael Mann gives us a Miami Vice that is utterly underwhelming. The story is convoluted and highlights the bad guys and girl, rather than on the two main characters Crocket and Tubbs. The problem with this movie revolves around the script and work done in the editing room. This is an hour and a half drama with nearly 45 minutes of sex scenes. Oh, and 15 minutes of action thrown in at the end.

While Colin Farrell as Crocket isn’t particularly memorable, he isn’t bad. There is intensity and a coolness factor lacking in his portrayal of Sonny. While Jamie Foxx is more enjoyable to watch as Tubbs and in many ways steals the show, he isn’t given much to do to stand out.

There are only a few reasons to watch this movie. Unique use of 50 caliber sniper rifles makes for an interesting assassination scene. The High Definition camera work is superb. There are crystal clear shots of a gulf-stream jet banking through the clouds with a beauty and splendor rarely caught on film. This may sound a little over the top but it is a thing of beauty in a film with few merits. Along with shots of nighttime Miami and ultra-cool speedboats cutting through the waters between Florida and Cuba.

The final gun battle is executed with an attention to detail only possible for someone of Michael Mann’s caliber of filmmaking. Here is where he shines and finally makes good on what is nearly a wasted couple of hours. He knows where the camera needs to be to catch the right action. The automatic weapons fire is some of the most realistic sounding ever heard in a movie. Oh, and did I mention the 50 caliber rifles blowing apart everything it touches.

The action/violence world of movies has nearly done it all. To see something that feels fresh and still capable of holding the audiences attention is a rare thing indeed.

My prediction is this will be a fine movie to watch on DVD. Longer running times and boredom doesn’t quite set in the same way when in the comfort of your own home. Just stay clear of this one in the theaters.

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Daily thoughts from writer J Marcus Ross, author of Darkness Within and the Robert Watson Mystery Series

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