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J Marcus Daily
Monday, July 10, 2006
  American Home Shield

American Home Shield- With a recent plumbing and appliance problem I sent in a request for service with AHS. Sending one by website and the other by phone, the service stated within four hours a contractor would contact us. The contractor for the dishwasher called in time and more than 8 hours later the plumber still hasn’t made contact. At face value this makes the website portion faster. Of course this isn’t a full proof method as it relys on reliance the contractor will contact us in time. Regardless, they are only at 50% compliance with contacting to set up an appointment. Being it is now after 5pm it looks like we will finish the day with a dishwasher and kitchen sink still not in working condition and no appointment scheduled to take care of the problem.

Note: the appliance contractor said they wouldn’t schedule an appointment until a plumber solved the water issue coming into the kitchen.

For now, we will be eating off paper plates and plastic silverware.

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Daily thoughts from writer J Marcus Ross, author of Darkness Within and the Robert Watson Mystery Series

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