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J Marcus Daily
Wednesday, April 05, 2006
  Video game decency wars

Hillary Clinton is at it again. The war drums are sounding,

Violence bad. Video games have violence. Video games are bad. We must bring the video game industry to its knees. Help pass moral indecency laws. Keep kids away from games, we’d rather have them out making mischief in the streets then play acting with games on TV.

Why attack video games? Well, the entertainment lobby has gotten to big. It isn’t as attractive a target. Besides many of us like the MTV get out the vote generation and need the help of Brittney Spears and Brad Pitt to legitimize our political policies. Besides, the video game industry can’t defend itself, it’s run by a bunch of misfits who play D&D and still live with their parents. They don’t vote and we ought to win a lot of morality issue popularity by doing this.

I am not, and have never been a single-issue voter. Until now. There is no one topic to me that shows the ineptitude of our leaders then to attack something like video games with so little understanding of what they are attacking. Hillary Clinton is making a huge mistake here. She is relying on parents to stand beside her and go along with the mentality that video games are bad and therefore are the culprit of all our ills as a society. There is a huge disconnect here between Senator Clinton and the rest of America. What I especially like is the amount of money ---- are wasting on funding one more study to tell us that video games are bad. So far, no study has shown a correlation between violence in video games and in actually acting out violence. --- and --- have done studies and nope, nothing. No evidence to support these claims. So, what do you do? Keep funding new studies until one comes out agreeing with your moral point of view.

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Daily thoughts from writer J Marcus Ross, author of Darkness Within and the Robert Watson Mystery Series

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