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J Marcus Daily
Friday, April 07, 2006

Leadership in Politics

Who speaks for the little people? Politicians. Our elected officials. Yes, as a republic we have a representative government. A democratically elected government. Yet, there seems to be a vacuum of leadership present in this country. I for one don’t look at politicians as our leaders. Rarely do I find an elected official that I say, where they point, I will follow. Blazing a trail of righteousness… Perhaps others do. Take the Presidency, he is the leader of the armed forces, chief executive of his branch of government, head of his party, and a powerful man in the world of powerful and influential people.

However, he is not my leader, only my President. The same goes for our Senators and Congress people, those who sit in office and ride the thin line of bureaucracy to appease the largest spectrum of people.

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Daily thoughts from writer J Marcus Ross, author of Darkness Within and the Robert Watson Mystery Series

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