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J Marcus Daily
Sunday, April 09, 2006
  Geek extreme

The geek side of me, the rather large geek side, has been consumed of late playing 3 great PC games: Star Wars: Empire at War, Dungeons and Dragons Online: Stormreach, Lord of the Rings: Battle for Middle Earth 2. If these three titles don’t give me a lifetime geek subscription, I don’t know what will. Enjoying these three franchises should be enough, but to ensure I make it past indoctrination I need to go watch a Star Trek episode while wearing my Darth Vader mask and IM a friend to discuss the finer nuisances of Battlestar Galactica. It’s a wonder I’ve ever been laid let alone got married.

Good thing geekdom has risen from the death squad days of living in secrecy in High School. Now more and more people flock to the banner of being a geek. And rather, as I’ve always felt, everyone is involved in their own bit of geekiness in one form or another. Whether it be a fanatic loyalty to the 49ers or devout Desperate housewives junky everyone seems to be involved at some level with something down right geeky.

Still, however I try to make it sound better than it is D&D playing and going to Star Trek convention will always amount to a level of geekiness that WWE: Raw fans never have to face. The one nice thing is that geeks are out of the closet and enjoying the fruits of their labors. There are very few people in America who haven’t had their lives touched by the likes of the geek created Windows based PC or the Apple Ipod. Anyone still caught in high school antics remember that little tidbit when some dumb jock is throwing you into a locker. Remind him that he is a supporter of some of the biggest geek/nerd movements in the 21st century. Oh, and while he’s chewing on that one take the opportunity to grab your clarinet and run.

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Daily thoughts from writer J Marcus Ross, author of Darkness Within and the Robert Watson Mystery Series

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