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J Marcus Daily
Sunday, April 16, 2006
  Children at play

Children at play signs. All through my neighborhood there are these 3 ft high yellow kids standing in the middle of the road announcing Children at play. I’m not certain what these signs are supposed to be telling us, or the children they are attempting to protect. It’s okay to play in the street. Well, kids have been doing that since roads were invented. However, it has always been accepted that you do so at your own risk. Playing kick ball in the street has its pitfalls. One of them being stopping the game every time a car comes down the street. Now, nextgen parents are telling their kids they have a right to be in the street with the rest of the cars. Like people with kids have a right to take over part of the street for their own uses. Why not any homeowner that wants to set up a few orange cones and use the space for wood working projects or changing the oil in their cars. Oh, wait a second, lets test this out. Go outside put up a few kids at play signs and then change your oil right there on the street and wait and see how long till you get a firm talking to by neighbors or the police.

Sure people drive to fast in residential neighborhoods. I don’t like it. It’s dangerous and discourteous to neighbors. This doesn’t give homeowners the carte blanche right to take over the street for their kids outside play. That is what their yard is for, and all those expensive parks no one uses. Come on folks, get your kids out of the street, and back in front of the TV’s where they belong.

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Daily thoughts from writer J Marcus Ross, author of Darkness Within and the Robert Watson Mystery Series

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