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J Marcus Daily
Saturday, April 01, 2006
  Bits and Tids
-Looks like Vista, the new Microsoft operating system won’t make its targeted release in November. No word on exactly when it will appear but one thing is certain it won’t help PC sales for the holiday season. How much it will affect the industry is uncertain. With high expectations for a strong holiday season, dashed Microsoft will have to rely on its release of the new Office.

In the end, this may be as much about marketing as it is about the product not being ready. Volume licensing customers will still be able to get a hold of Vista this year, only a few weeks later than expected. Allowing them plenty of time to integrate Vista into their products. Detractors and loyal Microsoft users will not be surprised by the delay, as it has become second nature to the software industry and particularly Microsoft in general. However, after the issues involved with the release of XP a great many people welcome any delay that could affect the reliability of the operating system. Perhaps a January launch will mean just a few less instances of users being bombarded by the blue screen of death.

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Daily thoughts from writer J Marcus Ross, author of Darkness Within and the Robert Watson Mystery Series

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