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J Marcus Daily
Thursday, April 06, 2006
  Beyond Sick


Child porn ring busted, 27 face charges

‘Molestation on demand’ reportedly offered via Internet chat room

Without going off on the sickness of these people offering up children less than 18 months old for sex—whatever, this news blurb only mentions 13 people in the U.S being charged from 9 different states. It doesn’t mention if they saved any children from these predators. Something if you notice in most of these child pornography cases they never mention. Now it is obvious that most of the time they are going after those who are trading in these pictures and videos. My question is this why isn’t there more effort to either report on kids that are being saved from these people. I’d like to know what is being done on that front. It’s fine to stop the end result of these people passing along these sick pictures, but what is being done to stop this from happening in the first place? What is being done to track down who is actually doing the molesting? Where these people charged with actually molesting children or just peddling their collections?

With all the information in the media about the war in Iraq, what the President had for breakfast and if Britney Spears is breastfeeding her baby why is it the News seems to gloss over the facts of real hard hitting news? We get pages and pages of media drivel on mass market stars and their diets but how often do they give us the cold hard number of how much money the government is wasting studying violence in video games?

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Daily thoughts from writer J Marcus Ross, author of Darkness Within and the Robert Watson Mystery Series

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