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J Marcus Daily
Thursday, March 30, 2006
  Thick-skull 4 year olds

Children’s minds are like sponges. Except when you need them to be. Like when teaching them their ABC’s and their123’s. Then they are Cro-Magnon man thick skulled. You blurt out ass or shit once under your breath and they won’t shut up about it. Standing in line in the Grocery store the four-year-old standing in his cart shouting Ass-Hole over and over. Good fun.

This sound familiar. It should. Every kid seems to do this or some version of it at least once. While every parent has had to endure embarrassment from their crass verbal language skills. My son decided during a busy 5 o’clock grocery store shopping to go around calling my wife, and a few of the women in the vicinity “hot mamma”, “Hottt Maaamaa” “She’s a hot mamma”. Until we told him to stop and try saying something else.

Sign, sealed and delivered; we got exactly what we asked as he started belting out ASSHOLE over and over in a number of very catchy rhymes. It was amazing at four-years-old how creative he could be with that one word. Needless to say there were a few turned heads and more frowns than smiles on the lines of people in the checkout.

This comes to mind mostly because we’ve been working on his numbers and his alphabet. While he is making headway it seems he picks up all the negative things we do, this mistakes we make as parents and so on rather then use that same mental energy being able to remember 26 letters of our alphabet.

Although this doesn’t exactly come as a major shock. There are plenty of adults who can recite the complex stats for every major league baseball player, NBA basketball player and member of the NFL for the last 25 years. Yet, they probably couldn’t remember most of the Presidents of the United States. They can probably do complex math in their head when it related to baseball stats but can’t remember much of algebra. They probably have such an aptitude for rules as they can show off with quoting the book on football penalties, ---- wait a minute that one might account for how many lawyers we have, scratch that, it makes sense.

So much for my little rant----

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Daily thoughts from writer J Marcus Ross, author of Darkness Within and the Robert Watson Mystery Series

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