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J Marcus Daily
Sunday, May 08, 2005
  Star Wars III: Revenge of the Sith- 11 Days and Counting
As an adult I typically keep my excitement and anticipation for new movies as neutral as possible. The less hype the more likely a film has a chance to exceed my expectations. It allows me to more thoroughly enjoy a good movie. With Revenge of the Sith I’ve decided to let down my guard and allow the childlike excitement to course through me.

In all likelihood this is my last chance to get hyped about a new Star Wars movie coming to theaters. Revenge of the Sith may not live up to my hopes but this thrill from waiting and anticipating is well worth any let down on May 19th. My wife laughs at me when I get giddy talking about the novelization of the film or the new video game released May 5th. I’m a geek at heart, a semi- closet geek who plays at being an adult. And you know what, it may be silly but it feels good to be a kid again if only for a little while.

I’ve actually had fun looking at the collection of Star Wars toys amassed in stores. There are so many interesting new toys I kinda wish I were a kid again. Of course there are repeats of what we saw in 1977. The toy stores only had to brush a little dust off the boxes before they put out the R2-D2 and Darth Vader Pez dispensers or the large Millennium Falcon with enough room for Luke, Leia, Han, Chewie and the rest of the main cast action figures. Anyone old enough to remember what a lunchbox is will instantly recognize these original toys.

With a next generation of Star Wars movies brings with it some advances in next generation toys.

-A 12” Yoda telling stories, dispensing wisdom with a choice of over 500 phrases, trivia and a magic 8-ball mode. Or the Yoda training lightsaber that does pretty much the same thing but in lightsaber form.

-An interactive lightsaber that works with your television. You swing the sword and the character on the screen tracks your every move.

-How about Lego’s? Star Wars and Lego’s made an excellent merchandising marriage some years back and it has been a profitable one for both companies. There are more Star Wars Lego’s toys then almost any other Star Wars toys on the market, from Tie-fighters and the Millennium Falcon to the Death Star and every character imaginable. And for those who can’t get there fill of the Star Wars Lego’s universe, there is even a video game playing as Lego’s miniature versions swinging lightsabers and battling the dark Lord Vader in the depths of the Death Star.

-The Darth Vader helmet is probably my favorite. A well made hard plastic replica of Vader’s helmet, complete with a electronic voice box to disguise your voice or push a button and repeat phrases from the films.

Going to the toy store brings back the fun of being a kid again. For those who think Star Wars is silly, or it’s dumb for a grown adult to be excited over the newest movie, all I can say is it feels great to be a kid every once and a while. There might be less heart disease, stress, and overall misery if people could find a way of capturing just a bit of the innocence and fun of being a kid. If only for a little while.
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Daily thoughts from writer J Marcus Ross, author of Darkness Within and the Robert Watson Mystery Series

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