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J Marcus Daily
Wednesday, May 18, 2005
  Star Wars III: Revenge of the Sith Only 8 hours and counting
The big day is almost here. Revenge of the Sith comes to theaters nationwide at midnight tonight. I am very excited as one might guess from reading my less than daily blog. I've allowed myself the luxury of being a kid again. This will be the last Star Wars film to come to theaters. If George Lucas is to be believed, that is.

There are those who have said this film is the best of the six episodes. That is a bold claim. One that I have a hard time believing. Not because it can't be the best movie in the series. Only that anyone who is a fan of the series will have a difficult time being objective about their attachment to the originals they watched as kids thirty years ago.

I'm certain it is the best of the prequels. It just has to be. It just has to be.

All I can say now, to the loyal fans of the Star Wars series, May the force be with you. And I'll see you at the movies.
Tuesday, May 10, 2005
  Star Wars III: Revenge of the Sith 9 Days and Counting

Star Wars III: Revenge of the Sith the novel released before the film opening on May 19th has given fans a sneak peak at the highly anticipated final chapter in George Lucas’ Star Wars saga. Written by a relatively unknown writer Mathew Woodring Stover, the adaptation of the script to novel was well executed. The book provides a number of insights into the characters along with interesting explanations that could only be accomplished in a novel.

Writing an adaptation takes some skill and a certain amount of imagination to breath life into a story and its characters with only the script. Scripts have a few notations about a given scene but are exclusively about dialogue. And while Lucas is a gifted visual storyteller he is not as well versed in delivering the strongest character performances from his actors. Novels are an entirely different breed of storytelling and one that requires a firmer hand in underlying motivations and emotions of characters.

There are a number of scenes in the book that have been cut from the final theatrical release of the film. Additions to the storyline and some things that was just nice to see in the story. Completing the story arch for Anakin is a given and the main point of Revenge of the Sith. However, it was nice to also see Obi-Wan, Yoda and the Skywalker twins given the same attention.

The biggest revelation that I enjoyed was the explanation of why no other Jedi except Obi-Wan and Yoda vanish when they die. The connection back to Qui-Gon and the idea that Yoda is now a student of his in the afterlife makes for an interesting twist.

This is one of the few adaptations from a film that I would recommend reading even if you’ve seen the movie. Typically after you’ve seen the theatrical release there is little in the book that wasn’t in the film. For fans of the Star Wars universe Revenge of the Sith, the novel is worth reading.

An extra note, I know that Mr. Stover has written a handful of books three of which are in the Star Wars universe, he has yet to make a real mark in the literary world. Few had heard of him before his work on Star Wars. Though I would say that writing the Revenge of the Sith novel will definitely help propel him in notoriety.
Monday, May 09, 2005
  Star Wars III: Revenge of the Sith - 10 Days and Counting
Star Wars III: Revenge of the Sith, the video game was released on Xbox and PLaystation 2 on May 5th. Based on the movie coming to theaters on May 19th the game follows Anakin and Obi-Wan and ……The game opens as the movie does with Anakin and Obi-Wan fighting to save the Chancellor from General Grievous aboard the Separatist Flagship. It follows the movie faithfully from start to finish while expanding on scenes necessary for a video game to work. The numerous cut scenes add to the feeling that the player is being immersed in the movie, this is a chance to be a Jedi, to be Anakin and Obi-Wan and follow their climactic adventure to the Revenge of the Sith .

The game play is solid. A great deal of work and attention has been given to the fighting system. Lighsaber control and character movement becomes almost as important an element in this game as the cut scenes, or fighting Vader on Mustafar. Of all the Star Wars Jedi games Revenge of the Sith has the best control mechanics and makes lightsaber combat more than button mashing. The game developers worked with Nick Gillard stunt coordinator and creator of the lightsaber fighting styles and with Hayden Christensen to help bring Anakin to life in the game.

The 17 levels move quickly, and are well paced. Saving can only be done when a level is complete. However, you’ll have a hard time putting this one down so the need to save is quite minimal. Also, the game can be completed in about six hours. This is one of the negatives of the game, but there is a lot of additional content to keep you busy for at least another three or four hours.

With a second person you can play a number of specialized levels in cooperative play. They are short levels but a nice addition to the game. A frequent complaint is that games focus too much on the multi-player online aspect of game play or battle maps where others can enjoy the thrill of killing their comrades. Cooperate game play is an important addition for those who actually have friends and would like to adventure through the regular game with a buddy. Revenge of the Sith also has the opportunity to kill your friends in one-on-one death matches. There is a lot of fun to be had here pitting Darth Vader against Anakin or Count Dooku. The combinations are endless.

Both the cooperative play and the death matches can also be played against or with the computer for those times when you don’t have anyone to pick up that other controller.

Though completing certain levels of the game an extra menu with a total of 6 bonus levels become available. These are a nice addition to the game. A few of them are extended scenes so to speak that didn’t flow in the normal Revenge of the Sith storyline. While two in particular are real gold. Fighting as Darth Vader against Obi-Wan on the Death Star from their climactic battle in Star Wars IV: A New Hope is great fun. It gives a sense of completion to the fall of Anakin and the creation of Darth Vader. Even better is playing as the caffeinated Yoda jumping around the slicing Clone Troopers 3 at a time. You’ll truly experience the speed and agility he showed in Attack of the Clones when fighting Count Dooku. These are nice additions to the game and I’m sure long after you’ve finished the game, you’ll be dusting it off from time to time just to play these bonus features.

The multiplayer mode is a lot of fun but ultimately exactly what we’ve come to expect from online multiplayer combat. There isn’t much reason to go into a long explanation on what you’ll find here. All the best aspects of this game are given a place to shine with online combat. As I said before, while the single player adventure is relatively short, the excellent combat system makes playing against other flesh and blood Jedi a real treat.

Unless you are dying to spoil the movie stay away from the game until after May 19th. As for my recommendation: for fans the advanced lightsaber fighting is well worth the purchase, although I recommend looking for a deal (like at Fry’s on special) where it is $34.99.
Sunday, May 08, 2005
  Star Wars III: Revenge of the Sith- 11 Days and Counting
As an adult I typically keep my excitement and anticipation for new movies as neutral as possible. The less hype the more likely a film has a chance to exceed my expectations. It allows me to more thoroughly enjoy a good movie. With Revenge of the Sith I’ve decided to let down my guard and allow the childlike excitement to course through me.

In all likelihood this is my last chance to get hyped about a new Star Wars movie coming to theaters. Revenge of the Sith may not live up to my hopes but this thrill from waiting and anticipating is well worth any let down on May 19th. My wife laughs at me when I get giddy talking about the novelization of the film or the new video game released May 5th. I’m a geek at heart, a semi- closet geek who plays at being an adult. And you know what, it may be silly but it feels good to be a kid again if only for a little while.

I’ve actually had fun looking at the collection of Star Wars toys amassed in stores. There are so many interesting new toys I kinda wish I were a kid again. Of course there are repeats of what we saw in 1977. The toy stores only had to brush a little dust off the boxes before they put out the R2-D2 and Darth Vader Pez dispensers or the large Millennium Falcon with enough room for Luke, Leia, Han, Chewie and the rest of the main cast action figures. Anyone old enough to remember what a lunchbox is will instantly recognize these original toys.

With a next generation of Star Wars movies brings with it some advances in next generation toys.

-A 12” Yoda telling stories, dispensing wisdom with a choice of over 500 phrases, trivia and a magic 8-ball mode. Or the Yoda training lightsaber that does pretty much the same thing but in lightsaber form.

-An interactive lightsaber that works with your television. You swing the sword and the character on the screen tracks your every move.

-How about Lego’s? Star Wars and Lego’s made an excellent merchandising marriage some years back and it has been a profitable one for both companies. There are more Star Wars Lego’s toys then almost any other Star Wars toys on the market, from Tie-fighters and the Millennium Falcon to the Death Star and every character imaginable. And for those who can’t get there fill of the Star Wars Lego’s universe, there is even a video game playing as Lego’s miniature versions swinging lightsabers and battling the dark Lord Vader in the depths of the Death Star.

-The Darth Vader helmet is probably my favorite. A well made hard plastic replica of Vader’s helmet, complete with a electronic voice box to disguise your voice or push a button and repeat phrases from the films.

Going to the toy store brings back the fun of being a kid again. For those who think Star Wars is silly, or it’s dumb for a grown adult to be excited over the newest movie, all I can say is it feels great to be a kid every once and a while. There might be less heart disease, stress, and overall misery if people could find a way of capturing just a bit of the innocence and fun of being a kid. If only for a little while.
Saturday, May 07, 2005
  Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith- 12 Days and Counting
The greatest most influential science fiction film series of the last thirty years is finally reaching it’s apex of achievement with the release of the final feature film release, Star Wars III: Revenge of the Sith. On May 19th, millions of fans nationwide will sit in darkened theaters with baited breath waiting for the familiar scrawl to inch its way across screen. The story may be in a Galaxy Far, Far Away but for fans this one hits home much closer to their hearts.

Internet forums are filled with speculations and questions as to whether Lucas is up to the challenge he has created for himself with these Prequels. The world had waited since 1983 for more Star Wars content. The 1990’s brought the series back in novel form. A good start. Fans wanted more, and what they got was a mixed bag of the good, the bad, and the profoundly stupid. (ala Jar-Jar Binks and midoclorians)

The desires of millions of diverse fans all screaming for something as cool as they remember in the childhood dreams in 1977 places George Lucas in a lose-lose situation. At least as a businessman trying to sell the public the rest of a story he created nearly thirty years ago. I may be stepping out on a limb, but I’d venture to say that as a storyteller he is quite pleased with himself. To finally be finishing a storyline he started so long ago, one he had little reason to believe he could ever finish must feel good. It’s a personal accomplishment that has to give him a feeling of success regardless of the money, the business, the critics or even the fans.

Over the next few weeks you'll be hard pressed not to notice all the hype surrounding the release of Revenge of the Sith. We will do our part by adding our two cents worth on all things Star Wars related. If you're looking for the movie to be a complete surprise then all the best of luck to you. There seems to be no escaping the media blitz for Revenge of the Sith. More than likely you're bound to see a few dozen trailers before its release.

Then again, who are we kidding? If you are even the slightest fan of the series then you know what is going to happen. There are no big surprises in store for us. It'll just be nice to finally see Anakin turn into Darth Vader, and then the circle will finally be complete.

Where am I going with all this? I'm not really sure. Except to say, that I'm excited to see the movie. I've read the book, the screenplay, played the video game and watched every clip of the movie that is out there for public consumption. I still can't wait for the movie, and I'm as excited as I was the first time I saw the black mask and heard the labored mechanical breathing in Star Wars: A New Hope. It doesn't get much better than this for the geek hiding inside us all.
Daily thoughts from writer J Marcus Ross, author of Darkness Within and the Robert Watson Mystery Series

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