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J Marcus Daily
Monday, November 08, 2004
  Sticky Floor Blues
Thank god for the Incredibles.

Since the day Tristan was born my wife and I have been trying to get him to watch movies on the big screen. Our first attempt was when he was a few weeks old. To us, it seemed like a good idea and besides we wouldn’t know until we tried. We didn’t know a newborn could make that much noise. We stuck it out longer than the rest of the auditorium would’ve preferred before I ended up in the hall so Andrea could finish the movie. That being a no go, so we tried again a year later. Surely, that would work. A one year old should be able to sit still, hang out in his car seat and maybe take a nap.

Nope, that didn’t work so well either. I spent the rest of Harry Potter and the whatever, in the hall while everyone else finished the movie. When he turned two we thought we had it made. 730 days of socialization and maturity clearly had to make its mark on a kid, by this point there was no reason why he couldn’t watch a kids movie, he was doing it at home. Turns out he likes watching movies at home for the same reasons I do and didn’t much care for having to sit in his seat, be quiet and not be able to pause the movie to go to the bathroom.

He enjoyed Shrek 2 a few months back but a little over half way decided it was time to go rebuild an engine in the parking lot. With a lot of cajoling we convinced him to stick around, and luckily the rest of the kids in the theater were making more noise than him.

Then finally it happened. Our world has changed forever; we can take Tristan to the movies. He sat through the entire movie and hardly said a word. Thank God for the Incredibles and Pixar, without them I’d never be able to spend $40 on buttered popcorn, sticky floors and a movie I could enjoy at home for 17.99 in six months time.
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Daily thoughts from writer J Marcus Ross, author of Darkness Within and the Robert Watson Mystery Series

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