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J Marcus Daily
Tuesday, November 02, 2004
  Election Day American
The election will be decided today. A 120 million voters will have their ballots counted and their voices heard on a number of issues and candidates, including President. This election season I’ve kept my mouth shut, at least in my column here. I have an opinion, don’t we all, and I enjoy politics and issues. For my part, I was a little tired of all the opinions and the non-stop media onslaught of ads and candidates. So, I didn’t contribute to the mass media ramblings and left the blathering to the professionals.

However, here we are, Election Day and I’m happy to proclaim I’m proud to be an American. For all the mixed emotions from the rest of the world on Americans in general I for one, as an American am proud to be part of this amazing country. Most especially on this day. No matter which side of the partisan politics you fall at the end of the day, we are all Americans. We can fight tooth and nails to get our point across and for someone to listen to our righteous beliefs, but when the election is over we are Americans.

Over the coming days and weeks, there will be a lot said about the split in this country between Democrats and Republicans. More so before the day is through we will see a larger split between the Northeast coast states, west coast states and the rest of America. It is part of the ever changing landscape of politics and in regional ideologies. Still, when the ballots have been cast and the fervor dies down citizens don’t need to take up an armed insurrection against the government. The majority has won the day and everyone else has to calm down and do a better job of convincing the rest they were correct. But no one has to revolt against the government as in so many other countries in the world.

I’m proud to be an American no matter the outcome of this election, so long as all the votes are counted and the people’s voice is heard.

Decisions are made by those who show up. Don’t forget to Vote.
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Daily thoughts from writer J Marcus Ross, author of Darkness Within and the Robert Watson Mystery Series

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