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J Marcus Daily
Monday, October 04, 2004
  Built-in bookcases for the bathroom
Reading in the bathroom

One of those dirty little topics no one wants to admit too, like farting in bed or the five second rule on dropped food. When visiting a friend’s or neighbor’s home, will you find magazines to read or will it be perfectly decorated and pristine? In my little world, there seems to be wide berth in tastes as far as restroom reading material.

My parents have a virtual library in their bathroom complete with at least 20-30 magazines from a dozen or so different publishers, a handful of books most notably the widely popular Bathroom Readers Series along with the last remnants of the Sunday paper. In their defense this public bathroom is the only one on the ground floor and it also serves as their personal bathroom.

My grandfather usually only has a newspaper handy in his public restroom. My brother and his wife’s house don’t keep any reading material at all, but there are lots of Anne Geddes pictures on the wall. This is about the same for our friends Dave and Aja except it isn’t Anne Geddes decorating. My mother-laws house doesn’t normally have anything for reading, unless I’m visiting of course.

I can’t tell you what would be found in any of their personal bathrooms or if they even spend their time on the throne going over their papers. For our part around here, the guest bathrooms don’t have any reading material in them. We keep the downstairs for guests, and don’t really expect any of our guests to stick around long enough in the bathroom to need entertainment. Especially since it’s only five feet from the kitchen.

I will admit to being an avid fan of reading in the toilet room. I’ve completed more books while otherwise engaged than most people read in their lifetimes. If I had my way, their would be built-in bookcases for bathroom books, that way you don’t have to mix your collection or search for something to read at the last minute. My wife is of course strictly set against this and she’s not too fond of the three novels sitting on the back of the toilet and the five magazines propped up in the corner by the garbage can.

I can’t be alone on this one, but I think I’ll be hard pressed to find many people willing to admit how much they read on the toilet. Because then we’d be forced to think about how much time we spend there as well. Enough to write a novel perhaps.

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Daily thoughts from writer J Marcus Ross, author of Darkness Within and the Robert Watson Mystery Series

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