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J Marcus Daily
Saturday, September 11, 2004
The eternal quest to lose weight. Whether it be for health reasons or to better fit into last years jeans Americans seem to be perpetually on a diet. With the recent resurgence in low carb diets and the always-popular magical weight lose pill, dieters have more and more options for shedding those extra pounds. I’m no expert. I’m overweight. At least according to the AMA weight/height chart for my age group.

There are plenty of people who do know about dieting, doctors and medical professionals aplenty. Except most seem to put more stock in what their friends and coworkers say about diets than those who truly know better. Before you start a plan that is ultimately destined to fail do your homework, talk to your doctor, or at the very least read some of the articles in the Calorie King Library. Here you’ll find a good assortment of articles on health and weight loss, written by professionals.

The hardest part of the whole dieting craze is not coming up with a working plan, it’s sticking with and making a change in your eating habits. Breaking a habit is nearly impossible, unless it is replaced with a new one that works better. Our days are full of habits and routines, a self-replicating mechanism that makes it easier to cope with the tedium of daily activities. Without a better approach to dealing with our responses to these self-replicating mechanisms, we are destined to repeat the same habits over and over again.

Of course, this is just a long winded way of saying, do your research, find a plan that fits the lifestyle you want to have, and exchange your bad habits for ones that meet your goals and give you the life you want to have. It isn’t easy, but it’s better than the alternatives of doing nothing about your problems or constantly yo-yoing from one diet to the next.

Daily thoughts from writer J Marcus Ross, author of Darkness Within and the Robert Watson Mystery Series

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