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J Marcus Daily
Wednesday, September 22, 2004
  Death to late charges

Sure watching the latest new release from the rental store can be fun but everything else associated with it can be a real drag. Friday night standing in line at Blockbuster isn't what most of us had in mind while counting the hours till the start of our long awaited weekend. Even worse can be the torment of having to return the movie. At least now, we don't have to worry about the 'Please be kind and rewind' mantra with the acceptance of DVD. Even the best of us have returned a movie late and had to pay the late charge. Rental stores couldn't turn a profit without them. Not me. At least not any longer.

I'm one of the devoted converts to the ways of Netflix. If you're not familiar with this online rental store check out the website. Basically, you pay a monthly charge and get to rent as many movies as you can watch in that time. You're allowed a set number of DVD's checked out at any one time. But wait, this is the best part, no late fees. Keep the movie as long as you like and never get charged another penny. When you're done with the DVD send it back in a prepaid envelope and wait for the next one to show up in the mail.

As a DVD reviewer I subscribe to the 5 movie membership. This way each time I open up the mailbox there is another movie waiting. Just looking at the cost to rent a DVD at your average rental store this membership more than pays for itself. Personally, I average a little more than 5 movies a week. Netflix is great. All the movies I rent...Well that's another story.

If you pay any attention at all you probably already know I don't like many things. Most of what is advertised doesn't live up to expectations. This is one time where I feel perfectly justified raving about this service. Check them out and enjoy your movies late fee free.

(Recently, Netflix increased their rates and due to their increasing the 8-out membership at a higher level than the other memberships I’ve dropped to the 5-out program. This is my own way of protesting since my letters to the company fell on deaf ears. Still, I love their service and as long as things remain status quo I’ll continue as a customer.)

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Daily thoughts from writer J Marcus Ross, author of Darkness Within and the Robert Watson Mystery Series

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