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J Marcus Daily
Thursday, September 02, 2004
Bits and pieces

Sold out at gunpoint

Beijing hosts the next summer Olympics in 2008. Where Athens and most Olympics have a hard time filling the stadium in all the events, I suspect China won’t have that problem. Even if foreigners don’t come flocking to the games the Chinese government undoubtedly will ensure there won’t be any empty seats. They will go out of their way to put their best foot forward for the world and make the best impression they can. It will be interesting to see how China fairs in having the eyes of the world on them.

Tivo desperately trying to add more subscribers.

Tivo is really trying hard to get business. They’ve lowered the prices on many of their set top boxes and now are offering a $100 mail in rebate. For a limited time, they are offering the 40-hour for $99, 80-hour for $199, and 140-hour for $299. Of course, you’ll still have to pay $12.99 a month for the service or spring for the product lifetime service for a one-time charge of $299.

Our PVR changed the way we watch TV but I’m not sold on the Tivo service. Our satellite PVR has worked great and we don’t pay the hefty charges Tivo requires on top of buying their hardware. Either way, if you get a chance to purchase a PVR, DVR or Tivo (all the same thing, just different names) then get to it. If you like having control of what and when you watch on television, then this is for you.
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Daily thoughts from writer J Marcus Ross, author of Darkness Within and the Robert Watson Mystery Series

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