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J Marcus Daily
Monday, August 30, 2004
Over the course of the last three weeks, I’ve allowed my life to become cluttered and disorganized. Thinking I could handle a handful of big projects at once, we began to build a new fence on the side of our house to expand our backyard.

Simultaneously I had my den repainted and decorated. This 10X10 room holds enough stuff to fill both living rooms and the dining room in our house, which is exactly what happened.

Then my main computer in my office had a run in with the blue screen of death and so I had to rebuild and reinstall everything on it. All of this in the midst of my wife entering one of her busiest times at work. Her calendar has her home only 2 weeks between here and Christmas. Needless to say I’ve been trying to put the house back together again, get everything stuffed back into my cell and still take care of Tristan and work.

Oh, and the server went down and I had Internet problems so I couldn’t upload my column for the last three weeks either. While Simon worked on repairing and getting everything working, the columns I host were being neglected.

Here I sit, ready to get back to work. Almost everything is back to normal again. The column will return to normal publication, the house is finally livable again, and we have a new fence. I never realized how much affect having your life in a state of disrepair can have on ones mood and productivity. With messes everywhere I turned, I felt disconnected from myself, on edge and stressed out. I haven’t been able to relax in weeks, and I think it has a lot to do with things being a mess and not only because of the amount of work there was to accomplish.

Eastern Philosophies talk a great deal about having each part of your life centered and positioned for success. Through minding your Chi, a person can lead a more content and peaceful life. Until now, I hadn’t seen the correlation to my own life. Being aware of this makes me more inclined to do a little more reading on the Feng Shui. A Nuevo Cliché decorating philosophy that has become very popular in the last few years, there may be more to it than my skeptical self had realized.

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Daily thoughts from writer J Marcus Ross, author of Darkness Within and the Robert Watson Mystery Series

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