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J Marcus Daily
Sunday, August 01, 2004
MSNBC - The science and history behind a �Blue Moon�

Today was definitely a once in a blue moon day. After only a couple hours sleep, our son stayed in bed with us last night I got up to start my day. With my wife at home and at the start of her vacation we had a whole host of things to accomplish.

On the top of that list- moving our fence in our yard in order to make a bigger area in the backyard for our son to play. (And for me to get my hot tub) After going to the lumber yard to buy a few things we needed, I started to lay stakes and line up where the posts would go. The second string husband, Bill was being called in to help dig the post holes on account of the injury to my back. In the ninety degree heat he and Andrea dug and dug until we had 12 two foot holes for the 4X4 posts. We had to wrap the project up by 5pm because we were supposed to be at a barbeque an hour away by 6, oh and bring desert. Sunburned and tired Andrea showered while Bill and I talked about the Democratic Convention. Then we hurriedly made our way out of town to Dave and Aja's place. Construction on I-5 made the drive longer than normal, and barring any other excuses, we left late. (There you are I admit it. We left late so we were going to arrive late.) Stopping by a Baskin and Robins close to their house we picked up a ice cream cake for desert. We usually make something for deserts when we are asked but on this occasion we had other things going on so we let our money take care of the situation. The barbeque was nice and we had a lot of fun with the group of people invited. Aja has been reading a rough draft of a manuscript I've been working on and wanted the rest of the story. Finding a fan of my writing doesn't happen very often, so I have to milk it every chance I get. Then I drove us home and we made it back close to midnight. Here I am at one in the morning writing a column I should've written about 12 hours earlier, thinking more about three years ago when I was in a hospital delivery room while my wife was pushing (something she has yet to stop doing) this ball of goo out into the world. A ball of goo I fell instantly in love with and can't help being facinated by every day I'm lucky enough to be around him. Which is why Andrea chides me in the car on the way home for talking about him nonstop.

Boring day. Well, this kind of a day only happens once in a blue moon. This incidentally coincides with the phase of the moon on this evening. For the origin of the phrase once in a blue moon check out the article up top. If you think making once in a blue moon fit with today’s rather ordinary events then just remember, I only make these stupid stretches in my column once in a blue moon. Expect the next one to be in the next 32 months.
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Daily thoughts from writer J Marcus Ross, author of Darkness Within and the Robert Watson Mystery Series

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