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J Marcus Daily
Tuesday, July 20, 2004
iPodlounge All Things iPod

iPod users are fanatical. This is nothing new for Apple; they are used to drawing a near cult response from their users. Unlike most things in the world of PC’s and Microsoft, the Apple community is very helpful and knowledgeable. Message boards are chalk full of people willing to help one another solve even the most mundane of issues. A newbie doesn’t have to fear being heckled or steered in the wrong direction.

For those of us PC users this is a very different culture. So, as PC users are adopting the iPod it’s important to remember the differences in using a PC based product and an Apple product. The biggest being the online community and the plethora of websites devoted to the iPod.

While there are a number of noteworthy websites and forums iPodlounge.com is by far the best for new users. Here you will find a wide range of topics and helpful articles on everything iPod. If there is a third party application for the iPod this is where you will find it. For the newest in accessories and new gear for your iPod, there is an extensive listing of products as well as reviews.

The forums are the best place for newbies to go. Almost every topic in the iPod universe that one can imagine can be found here. If you have a question go ahead and post, you’ll probably receive an answer by morning. In addition, these are not the kind of response you are probably accustomed to receiving: clear, concise, intelligent responses to your questions without the standard flaming behavior so prevalent on many PC tech website forums. Don’t get me wrong, I don’t believe everyone who owns an iPod or an Apple product are Saints. Rather, it has been my experience that everyone I’ve met on the iPodlounge forums to be nice. I’m sure there is at least one jerk out there.

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Daily thoughts from writer J Marcus Ross, author of Darkness Within and the Robert Watson Mystery Series

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