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J Marcus Daily
Tuesday, July 13, 2004
F-Secure : Security Information Center

In the computer world viruses are running rampant. Security experts venture as far as to say viruses are going virtually unchecked. Most PC users are acutely aware of viruses from the near daily coverage in the news. Yet, according to the latest security figures less than 20% users use any form of protection whatsoever.

There are number of commercial programs available to help combat with the threat of viruses. Consumers can fork out between $11-150 for a standard virus protection program. There are however a number of free services available.

First if you’re unsure about how clean your system is go to bit defender and run their detection program. This will let you know if you’ve already been infected or not.


It is important for even those who have clean systems to run an up-to-date anti-virus protection program. The key is of course up-to-date. New viruses are being created everyday, old ones mutate and attack in new ways; some even hide on your system for months or even years before becoming active. Only by staying up on the latest developments can you hope to keep your PC healthy.

For free, up-to-date programs that offer some support try:



For catching e-mail viruses before they spread to your system:


Now, the big three Symantec, Norton, and McAfee have found great commercial success with their products, but there are drawback to using these. These programs cause almost more system instability than the viruses they are protecting you from. Not to mention the best way they can protect your system is by locking it up and making it difficult for new programs to be installed. Personally, I’d stay away from these three unless you only use your computer for the internet and don’t plan on adding many programs to your system. If you’re a gamer, stay away from these three. Or at least, don’t run the full suite of products they offer.




The area of virus protection is an ever changing landscape. The only way to stay completely safe is to unplug your computer from the outside world. Short of doing that all I can say is do your homework and stay on top of the newest developments and programs. As with all things in the world of computers there are viable free alternatives to buying the standard commercial programs. There are good products out there and bad. You just have to try them to see what works the best for your particular system.

Good luck, and keep on fighting the good fight.

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Daily thoughts from writer J Marcus Ross, author of Darkness Within and the Robert Watson Mystery Series

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