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J Marcus Daily
Sunday, July 11, 2004
E! Online News - Good and Bad Buzz on Fall TV

Television. Constantly I hear people talk about how there isn’t anything to watch on TV. I’d actually debate the issue during the regular viewing season. There are a number of good shows and a small handful of passable shows in the fall and spring seasons.

We won’t even get into the winter hiatus issue right now. Summer on the other hand is a complete waste of the airwaves. Might as well shut the whole network down and give up because there really is nothing to watch.

I’m told it’s because more people are out doing things in the summer. Between barbeques, camping trips and summer vacations to Great Aunt Martha’s house there aren’t as many viewers. As one of those who own a Personal Video Recorder I don’t much care when a show is on so long as there is something to record and watch when I am ready to cook my potato on the couch.

What I don’t understand is how all the television seasons work out. It isn’t like there are new programs coming out each season, no typically only in the fall and a few losers in the summer. Look at it this way, with a year consisting of 52 weeks a standard television shows year is only 26-28 episodes. What happened to the rest of the year?

No TV-that is what happened. Sure, the cast and crew of West Wing need a break for part of the year. Why not have another show take its place for the other half of the year? It wouldn’t be that difficult would it?

Besides if the networks did this maybe people would watch a little more TV in the summer and take less gas guzzling SUV road trips. Better TV less staying out late playing in the yard and barbequing. More time snacking on the couch eating advertiser’s products has to mean more revenue for the company. More revenue for corporate America means stocks rise and more people have extra money to buy more advertisers’ products.

So, in conclusion have a summer television lineup worth watching and America will be a better place. Slightly more overweight but ultimately we’d have a better world.
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Daily thoughts from writer J Marcus Ross, author of Darkness Within and the Robert Watson Mystery Series

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