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J Marcus Daily
Friday, June 25, 2004

With the advent of wireless home networking users have the opportunity to have their computers connected like never before. Many home network users have their laptop and PC, not to mention a handheld of some sort to sync. Running multiple copies of the same information on a variety of sources can be a bit of a logistical nightmare.

As a writer I have tried a host of different syncing programs for backing up and synchronizing the different instances of an article with which I'm working. Finally, I've found what may well be the solution to problems. NetDisk, a networked hard drive that connects directly through an Ethernet port, like those found on the back of most wireless routers.

After running the simple interface on each of the computers I want to be able to connect to the NetDisk, the hard drive is ready to access. Now when I'm on my laptop in bed, in my office or working on my PDA, the hard drive gives me access to everything I'm working on no matter which device I’m using.

Where has this thing been? Personally, this is the best $200 I've spent. With a plethora of technology devices around my house and office, this has to be my favorite. The simplest things seem to be the most life changing, and the NetDisk is just such a device.

There is room for improvement though. The device seems to run very hot, almost too hot to touch. And when the laptop drops the network connection the application has to reinitialize the hard drive. This isn't too complicated, with a right click on the toolbar icon select Enable hard drive. However, it is one of those little annoyances. Otherwise, the device has worked smoothly and the interface time is only slightly slower than standard internal drives.

Overall, I'd recommend this to anyone who has a wireless internet connectionand uses multiple computers frequently.

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Daily thoughts from writer J Marcus Ross, author of Darkness Within and the Robert Watson Mystery Series

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