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J Marcus Daily
Tuesday, June 29, 2004
Outlook Express Email Saver! download outlook express email saver and backup email, extract email addresses, build a mass mail list, collect email addresses, download free software!

Post-its have become a staple in the modern office. Those simple yellow notes pads are so useful we even look to them on our computers. Microsoft Outlook has a notes function remarkably similar to Post-its without any of the functionality. They are only useful while in Outlook, almost killing their simple usefulness.

Search Google for "computer post it notes" and you'll get 4,260,000 results. Since Post-its are a brand name, most of the initial searches deal with nothing but 3M products. For 14.95 you can purchase the standard edition allowing much of what you'ld imagine digital post-it notes to do. Th alarm function is a nice touch as well as the ability to include pictures and graphics in your note.

There are a host of other knock offs doing pretty much the same thing but without the trademark name. All ranging in price from $9.99 to $42.99. While doing a little research I was stumped as to what the $40 product did better than the $10 product. Then I found the perfect little program.

Perfect. I don't throw around that word lightly. But it does everything a yellow sticky note program should do, and for the all inclusive price of FREE. Yes, that is probably what moved this well made little gem into the perfect category. Although it is lacking literaly the bells and whistles, it can do everything except act as an alarm. That will cost you extra.

After two weeks of use I have no complaints. It has worked without any glitches or bugs. Give it a try before you fork over a single cent to any of the other Sticky-Postit note products out there. At the very least you'll know for sure if you really do need a virtual post it pad on your desktop.
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Daily thoughts from writer J Marcus Ross, author of Darkness Within and the Robert Watson Mystery Series

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