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J Marcus Daily
Tuesday, March 16, 2004
Nielsen Media Research - U.S. - Unlock the Power of Media

Top Ten Primetime Broadcast TV Programs
For week of 3/01/04-3/07/04 As reported by Nielsenmedia.com

Rank/Program Network/Household Rating/Total Viewers/

1 American Idol - Tuesday FOX 14.5 25,480,000
1 CSI CBS 14.5 22,739,000
3 Survivor: All-Stars CBS 13.6 23,304,000
4 Apprentice NBC 12.9 20,215,000
4 CSI: Miami CBS 12.9 19,900,000
6 Princess Diana: Secret Tape 1(S) NBC 11.8 16,826,000
7 Without A Trace CBS 11.5 17,461,000
8 American Idol - Wednesday FOX 11.4 19,313,000
8 American Idol-Uncut (S) FOX 11.4 19,687,000
10 Friends NBC 11.2 17,000,000

Reality TV: Who watches this crap anyway?

It seems to be America's dirty little secret. The Nielsen ratings show Reality TV brings in a strong loyal following. With this last week being a prime example by holding five of the top ten slots. But who are these people watching these shows? I can't seem to find them.

I ask my friends. They don't watch.
I ask neighbors. Most of them don't watch.
The guy running on the treadmill next to me. Of course, he doesn't watch.
My kid sister...she's watching. I figured on that one, she still likes Blue's Clues.

Except for her, everyone I talk to doesn't watch reality TV. At least that is what they tell me. I'm getting the sinking suspicion everyone is lying. It kind of like asking who watches soap operas or Golf. Who would admit to that?

Perhaps I'm one of the few people left in America who isn't into Survivor or American Idol. I don't know. The only saving grace in my mind for last week was there wasn't anything else for people to watch. When the networks keep running repeats of their best shows, it doesn't leave alternatives. Moreover, this much is clear, the television audience when left with no alternatives will watch whatever they can find. Heaven forbid they go find something else to do when there is nothing on-read a book, visit neighbors, exercise. No, if it's on TV, someone is going to watch it even if it is God Awful Bad.

Now that I've alienated most of the television audience and probably the two people reading this, I'll go watch the Osbournes.

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Daily thoughts from writer J Marcus Ross, author of Darkness Within and the Robert Watson Mystery Series

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