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J Marcus Daily
Thursday, March 11, 2004
MSN Encarta - How Do You Tell a Democrat from a Republican?

The Presidential election is beginning to ramp up the campaign rhetoric. Political conversation heats up at this time when there are only two real choices for President: Republican or Democrat. Invariably these conversations pit various people with their never-ending platitudes of right and wrong against one another. Moreover, during the debates the topic will invariably lead to the core beliefs of both Democrats and Republicans being discussed ad nausea. Before you open your mouth and make a mistake, make sure and read the above-abbreviated information on the history of both parties.

In a world where information overload is a daily reality people still find plenty of opportunities to be wrong. And when I say wrong, I mean wrong, not a matter of opinion- A retort trodden into the ground by those having no better way to make their point. When facts are erroneously construed and become the basis of incorrect thinking, these opinions are not worthy to be spoken. Sure, they have the right to be stupid but why do we extol the moronic and sophomoric.

So, get your information correct before you form those opinions you have such great right to blather on about. Read a book. Find a good website with real information. Pick up an encyclopedia or a dictionary. Never stop learning. Instead of quoting one-liners from the front of the newspaper, get the real scoop. Mistakes will be made. At least it won't be because of bad information.
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Daily thoughts from writer J Marcus Ross, author of Darkness Within and the Robert Watson Mystery Series

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