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J Marcus Daily
Monday, March 22, 2004
Gamestop.com - Home

Don't be a sucker.

Video games are some of the most overpriced entertainment items you can buy today. Gamers spend hundreds and thousands of dollars each on games every year. When a game is first released it is priced anywhere from$40-$60. Depending upon popularity and availability the price quickly drops over the coming weeks and months after its initial release. Walking the clearance bin or previously played game area is one of the best ways to get good games at bargain basement prices.

Sure there are a few amazing games that have to be purchased the moment the come out. Pre-ordered, you wait in line on release day waiting to take it home a crack the seal. It's a rush. Like going to see Lord of the Rings on opening day or getting floor seats for your favorite band.

Still, those games are few and far between. Most are average at best and some are a plain waste of money. Recently I spent some time scouring the bargains and have found some good games, a little old perhaps, no longer gleaming with new hyped media pride, but good nonetheless. Icewind Dale 2 (14.99), Wizadry 8 (4.99), Knights of the Old Republic(19.99), Master of Orion 3 (4.99): all for less than the price of KOTR when it first released.

If you love getting ripped off then keep doing what you've been doing. If you don't mind being a SUCKER, and have money to burn keep buying games at full price. Otherwise, if you are like me and want to get more for your money wait. You'll always have something new to play and you won't lose your shirt.
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Daily thoughts from writer J Marcus Ross, author of Darkness Within and the Robert Watson Mystery Series

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