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J Marcus Daily
Wednesday, March 03, 2004
eDiets.com: News | Diet & Nutrition

Living a healthy lifestyle doesn't come easy for me. In the fantasy world of my mind, I feel like I do lead a healthy lifestyle. I don't drink, smoke or do drugs. I don't have extramarital sex. I don’t' drive recklessly. In the fantasy, I leave out a few things.

I like to eat. I like to play video games and watch movies on my home theater system. I like to write and with it comes hours of sitting on my ass. I'm not a complete sloth: I enjoy going for walks. Taking pictures with my digital camera. Going on vacations. Being active. Chasing after my two-year-old son. But none of that equates to exercise.

Sum it all up and you get a 239 pound 31 year old man with a few flakes of grey.

This week I began an exercise regimen- 5 days a week, 2 hours a day at the local YMCA. A beautiful facility out here in suburbia of which we have been members for over a year now. Tristan, my son, has spent more time swimming and taking classes there than I have exercising. All that changed this week. Exercising everyday should put me on the right track to good health. Making it a part of my lifestyle, and not a flash in the pan idea of the week, will be the real trick.

Then I'll have to work on my diet.
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Daily thoughts from writer J Marcus Ross, author of Darkness Within and the Robert Watson Mystery Series

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