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J Marcus Daily
Sunday, February 01, 2004
Diet Weight Loss Program Atkins Diet eDiets Diets

Doesn't it seem like the whole world is on the Atkins Diet? Well, it seems as if they aren't on the Atkins then they are on Dr. Phil or the South Beach. Or perhaps one of the thousands of other diets out there. Currently, I'm not on a diet aside from the typical diet of eating whatever I feel like. However, even I am looking to jump into the fray and go on a diet.

The scale screamed from the 230 pound number it had to display this morning when I weighed myself. I've been reluctant to do so for quite some time. Sure, I know I've been gaining weight. At some level it disturbs me and makes me feel a little ashamed. Still, there it is and the numbers don't lie.

I could tell you that I don't look 230 pounds. If you knew me, and I told you my weight, you wouldn't believe it. I swear. This has its advantages but it also has allowed me to gain weight without much recrimination. Either way it doesn't matter what I look like, the scale says 230 pounds and it plain isn't healthy. At 5'7" every chart on the planet says I'm over my limit. Oh wait, that isn't the way they put it, OBESE, that's the right word. In the end, I have to lose the weight.

So, I'm shopping around for a good diet and exercise plan. One for a person who likes food, doesn't want to eat tofu or go running for an hour everyday for the rest of my life. I need a lifestyle change. One that doesn't feel like I'm changing who I am but instead altering my eating to find the foods I want to eat and happen to be healthy. If anyone has any suggestions please don't hesitate to contact me.

Who knows, this might not be interesting to any of you? Since this daily blog is as much for me as it is for all three of you, I'm going to give regular updates on my diet. I've dubbed this the WAR of the SPARETIRE to add a little more flare to this journey I'm about to undertake.

I hope you can all bare with me while I go into blood sugar withdrawal just thinking about all of the healthy food I'm going to have to eat. Oh wait, I'm not actually going to eat any of it, at least not if it is too healthy for me. Hence the reason I need to find a diet which fits my preferences and helps to change the eating style I've grown accustomed.

Wish me luck. Because I'm going to need it.

Okay, I've had my exercise for the day.
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Daily thoughts from writer J Marcus Ross, author of Darkness Within and the Robert Watson Mystery Series

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