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J Marcus Daily
Thursday, January 29, 2004
Insure.com - auto insurance - The most dangerous foods to eat while driving

Watch what you eat while driving in the car. According to this article on Insure.com, based on surveys by insurance companies and the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), eating and driving is a dangerous mix. Does drinking a cup of coffee cause more accidents than a bottle of beer? Will it soon become illegal to eat and drive at the same time?

For the time being drivers are still free to zoom down the freeway at sixty-five juggling cell phones, coffee cups, and scanning the radio or shuffling CD's. Whether the law should or shouldn't infringe on our right to drive and eat may never become a serious topic for public debate. Aside from the fact, that most American's don't like laws that interfere with their own lives, business might have the last word. With many companies profit margins being based on the consumption of food and beverages while driving, not to mention the number of electronic gadgets for our cars there is no reason to believe a law will ever be passed curtailing distracted drivers.

Sure, a handful of communities have passed laws against driving and talking on a cell phone. It's a long way off before it'll become illegal to drink a Tall mocha Latte while operating our two-ton mechanical conveyance. So eat up in the fast lane, don't forget to put the cell phone down long enough to give your fellow travelers the bird, and flip through your satellite radio stations to your hearts content, their won't be any sirens or flashing lights coming to get you today.
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Daily thoughts from writer J Marcus Ross, author of Darkness Within and the Robert Watson Mystery Series

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