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J Marcus Daily
Friday, January 30, 2004
Computer Quotes gathered on the Net

Computer Problems. Arg. Even for a technology writer and experienced computer user like myself, I still have my fair share of computer related SNAFU’s. On this occasion, it is my laptop giving me a pain in my RAM. Inconveniently it periodically freezes up and won’t respond no CTRL-ALT-DELETE, no restart, no slam it into the wall; nothing will alter its self-imposed coma. Eventually it will shut down and restart when it is good and ready. At crucial moments, usually after writing a prize-winning piece of writing, it flashes the BIOS screen and starts a core memory dump. (If you don’t speak computer gibberish its okay, needless to say this is as bad as it sounds.)

Having had enough with this wonderful piece of technology I took it in for servicing at the store where it was purchased. This is the second time it has been in the shop in the last couple of months. The first time was for the exact same problem. Whoops, I guess they didn’t fix the problem, did they? In the next couple of weeks, they will contact me with either the problem solved or a new computer. If my vote counts then this particular laptop won’t be returning. However, I’m not sure the technician on the other side of the counter really cared that much what my opinion was on the subject. The decision seems to be left to the powers that be at the corporate level, and then only once the off-site techs have a chance to tinker with it. If they have as much fun with it as I’ve been having over the last couple of months there is no doubt in my mind they will promptly decide to send me a new laptop. A check compensating me for the emotional distress of dealing with this hell bent sadomasochistic hunk of junk wouldn’t be too out of line either.
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Daily thoughts from writer J Marcus Ross, author of Darkness Within and the Robert Watson Mystery Series

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