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J Marcus Daily
Friday, December 05, 2003
SonyStyle USA - DSCF717KITIS

I finally did it. After months of research and "waiting for the right time" I finally went out and bought the digital camera I've been wanting. Sony's DSC-F717 has nearly everything but the kitchen sink included in a sub-$1000 camera. In the next couple of months look for an indepth review added to the review section of the website. I'm sure along the way you'll hear mention of the camera in my daily blogs. This is one product I'm looking forward to reviewing.

Electronics is supposed to be fun. After plopping down the better part of a thousand dollars you're supposed to get a little enjoyment in buying something you've been waiting for. In this case, I am excited but the decision to buy this camera was plagued with a few reservations.

In a couple of months Sony will be releasing the next in the Cybershot Pro line of cameras, the DSC-F828- an eight megapixel monster. Aside from the price tag being a few hundred more I wasn't sure it would work for the review I'm doing. Comparing the standard Cybershot point and shoot digital cameras with a semi-professional sub-$1000 dollar camera is my main objective with this review. So, as far as work was concerned it wouldn't fit the bill.

On the personal side, I would've loved to play with the extra power. Since I will use this camera not only for the review but for future work on the website it has a practical business purpose. The tech geek side of me was screaming for more power, more power, more power. This time the responsible side of doing my job won out. But lets face it folks, I still bought a new camera and that for a tech geek is still a lot of fun. Now, I will have a camera to take pictures of all of the other technology crap I buy, review, and play with(work). I'm not bragging, but I will say it, I'm one lucky SOB.
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Daily thoughts from writer J Marcus Ross, author of Darkness Within and the Robert Watson Mystery Series

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