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J Marcus Daily
Tuesday, December 09, 2003
SCIFI.COM | Battlestar Galactica

The Cylons have returned.

Battlestar Galactica, the new mini-series on the Scifi channel, is a reimagining of the original TV series. Comparisons are meaningless. The original is a product of its time, hairdos and all. This Battlestar has many of the same elements of the oringinal but updated to better fit the sensibilities of the time. After watching the first half of this two part miniseries I'm left fairly optimistic.

Sure I could go on and on looking at the differences between the two shows. The most notable, or rather the most talked about alteration being Starbuck's sex change. Who knows it might just work? Either way it is a gamble. If they hadn't changed the sex of the character everyone would've been comparing whoever the put in the part against Dirk Benedict, and that just wouldn't be fair.

I was a skeptic when Star Trek the Next Generation first aired. While the pilot wasn't stellar it held great promise. The show moved into warp speed over the next couple of years and made firmly took a foothold of the Star Trek franchise. With this new Battlestar Galactica I'm hoping to see the same growth from this new incarnation as I did with Next Generation. Only time will tell.

Watch for the references to the original series. It's kind of fun watching for the subtle and gross ways they bring in bits of the old show. The slow beginning can be forgiven since this is a miniseries/pilot. It takes time to introduce characters and get the audience to care about what happens to them. If you don't like them then who cares if the Cylons kill everyone. Doesn't make for entertaining television. Still, I couldn't help but notice the first half had more sexual action than fighting. We'll see if the second half leaves us begging for more.
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Daily thoughts from writer J Marcus Ross, author of Darkness Within and the Robert Watson Mystery Series

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