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J Marcus Daily
Monday, December 08, 2003
Invention of Christmas Tree Lights

With a nod to Albert Sadacca I began decortating the house, yard, and tree with Christmas lights. His idea to use electric lighting on trees intead of the ever popular candles of the time quickly won over the American people. And it made a pretty good fortune for his family at the time. Not bad for a 15 year old born of a Spanish immigrant family who up until that time had been selling wicker cages complete with an iimitation bird that lit up.

Channeling the Clark Griswald risiding in all us males I set to work with all maner of lighting. Big bulbs and small, twinkling, multicolor, chasers, and icsicles. Hundreds and thousands of feet worth of red, blue, green, and white lights were put to the best use I know how. And still, I did not have enough so my wife and I headed for the store and bought a couple hundred dollars more in lighting just for the fun of it. Tommorow I will finish up the last of this years lighting creation. I just can't help myself, Christmas tree lights is part of owning a house, and a far better chore than mowing the lawn or raking leaves.

As long as I don't think about all the work involved in taking it all down in a couple of weeks, I can enjoy the brightly lit moment.
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Daily thoughts from writer J Marcus Ross, author of Darkness Within and the Robert Watson Mystery Series

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